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2009 Tax Certificate Sale Data

System Requirements:  Adobe Acrobat Reader; Google Earth.




Google Earth Format Map Only - Point map labeled with sequence number showing property location    -    $19.95   

Google Earth Format Map & Certificate data - Labeled point map and accompanying Tax Certificate data    -    $99.95   

Google Earth Format Map, Certificate data and Parcel data - Parcel ownership data with map and certificate data    -    $395.95   


Google Earth Format Map and Tax Certificate Data    -    $999.95   

Google Earth Format Map, Tax Certificate Data and Parcel Data    -    $1,999.95   

Aerial Overlay Map, Tax Certificate Data and Parcel Data    -    $2,599.95   


2008 Duval Tax Sale Certificates by Planning District

System Requirements:  Adobe Acrobat Reader; Google Earth.

ALL MAPS NOW DELIVERED IN GOOGLE EARTH FORMAT.  If you are unable to open this SAMPLE you need to download and install Acrobat Reader.



Property Type Cost Buy Now
  Arlington Planning District $99.00
  Atlantic Beach Planning District $99.00

  Baldwin Planning District $99.00

  Jacksonville Beach $99.00

  North Planning District $99.00

  Neptune Beach Planning District $99.00

  North West Planning District $99.00

  South East Planning District $99.00

  South West Planning District $99.00

  Urban Core Planning District $99.00


Solution Graphics

Tax Lien Certificates by Neighborhood

Tax Sale Certificates by Neighborhood

System Requirements:  Adobe Acrobat Reader; Google Earth.

ALL MAPS NOW DELIVERED IN GOOGLE EARTH FORMAT.  If you are unable to open this SAMPLE you need to download and install Acrobat Reader.


Property Type   Cost Buy Now
  Single Neighborhood   Call to Purchase: 904-798-8300 $99.00

Solution Graphics

System Requirements:  Adobe Acrobat Reader; Google Earth.

ALL MAPS NOW DELIVERED IN GOOGLE EARTH FORMAT.  If you are unable to open this SAMPLE you need to download and install Acrobat Reader.


Property Type Cost Buy Now
  Residential $1,842.90
  Vacant Residential $313.40
  Single Family Residential $1,273.20
  Homestead Properties $802.60
  Certificate value less than $1000.00 $1,279.60
  Certificate value $1000.01-$3000.00 $701.00
  Certificate value $3000.01-$6000.00 $123.80
  Certificate value greater than $6000.00 $68.10

Solution Graphics


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Last modified: 07/31/08