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Duval Foreclosures   

Foreclosure locations now available in KMZ format




07/02/2008    07/03/2008   

07/08/2008    07/09/2008    07/10/2008    07/11/2008    07/12/2008    Weekly Map

07/14/2008    07/15/2008    07/16/2008    07/17/2008    07/18/2008    Weekly Map

07/21/2008    07/22/2008    07/23/2008    07/24/2008    07/25/2008    Weekly Map

07/28/2008    07/29/2008                                                                Weekly Map

July 2008    July by Zip Code


08/01/2008    08/02/2008

08/04/2008    08/05/2008    08/06/2008    08/07/2008     08/08/2008

08/11/2008    08/12/2008    08/13/2008    08/14/2008     08/15/2008

08/18/2008    08/19/2008    08/25/2008    08/26/2008    08/27/2008

08/28/2008    08/29/2008    08/30/2008

August 2008    August by Zip Code


09/02/2008    09/03/2008    09/04/2008    09/05/2008

Mapbook sample

Foreclosure locations now available in KML/KMZ format



Standard Daily Map Books Monthly Rate....... $75.00   



Maps show foreclosure Sales county wide and include Owner Report (Document number, Defendant, Real Estate Number, Owner  Name, Address, Property Use Description, Last Sale Price, Save Our Homes Value)

Custom area maps are available at a cost of $.50 per property.


Custom area maps are available.

Call or email for quote.  904.798.8300    sales@taxlienmaps.com


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Last modified: 07/31/08